Our Story
all excerpts taken from wairarapa community centre; a history 2002-2016, beverley jack; published locally in masterton, 2016.

'From 1998 a public meeting was called in the Frank Code Lounge of the Masterton Town Hall to explore the concept [of a community centre] further and the response was encouraging. Numerous informal discussions took place and potential sites for the proposed operations were also investigated. A steering group, called People United for a Purpose (PUFAP) was formed. Thirteen community groups registered interest in the concept of a Community Centre ... The steering group formally registered the Wairarapa Commuity Centre Incorporated Society, or WCCI.'
'The core vision was "the provision of a common facility where community groups could become tenants with the primary focus of cost savings."... A working group was established to move the project along for the Centre.'
By 2002, a 'deed of lease was signed by WCCI with Masterton Lands Trust (MTLT) for the old Plastalon Building in 170 Dixon Street Masterton. The lease was for $60,000 over 3 years ... The Centre itself received revenue through grant applications and rental income... The centre opened on 11th March 2003 with a blessing from Sally Tahana and a gala open day.'
'In 2008, MTLT investigated a major refurbishment of the building. The pressing health and safety issue was when Legionnaires disease was found to have contaminated the air-conditioning system. The building was also in a derelict statement... MTLT informed WCCI plans for the refurbishment were abandoned due to the poor conditions of the premises and excessive costs involved. WCCI was given notification and was required to find new premises by December 2010.'
In August 2010, a 'Public meeting was held in the Frank Code Lounge to seek the community's continued endorsement of the Community Centre concept. There was standing-room-only attendance with people being forced to congregate in the foyer to support the cause.'
In December 2011, 'A suitable building as identified at 41 Perry Street, Masterton.' It was 'purchased for $644,000 with grants received from Lotteries, Masterton District Council, MTLT, Masterton Trust House.'
'A competition was run by the WCCI for a logo for the new centre. This was won by artist Anne Taylor of Greytown. The logo symbolises:
Spiral - indicating inclusiveness and its upward unending curve a spiral out to new possibilities.
The large red dot indicates that the centre is a hub for people
The line across the middle signifies the Tararua Ranges.'
'In March 2012, Wairarapa Community Centre officially opened its doors at 41 Perry Street and 13 organisations signed tenancy leases for the new location. The building was blessed by Mike Kawana (Rangitane Iwi) and ribbon cut by Sue Perry and Jane Terpstra.'
On 6th June 2012 , WCC registered as a Charitable Trust with Charities Services NZ.​